A Natural Birth Story- Mind Over Matter Labor

Natural Labor

I personally struggle with the definition of My Natural Birth Story. I knew from the moment I was pregnant that I wanted to have Natural Birth. Meaning, I knew for a fact, I didn’t want an Epidural and I for sure wanted to work with a Midwife. I just felt as though Midwives arent quick to push Early Labors and C-Sections.

No offense to doctors, they are amazing but as a First-time Pregnant Mama, you spend a lot of time doing online research. At times, becoming overwhelmed because of all the information available. Good and bad, as well as a ton of unnecessary opinions.

It All Started At my Checkup Appt…

I went in for my 38-week Checkup appointment and after checking my Baby Girl, the nurse stated that I was low on Amniotic Fluid. I had the slightest clue what that meant, I just wanted to make sure my girl was thriving.

My Midwife steps in and tells me that because of having low fluids, I was to be admitted to the Hospital for an Induction. I couldn’t help but be scared and nervous asking why now? After she explained everything, they let me go home to take a shower and grab my bags to prepare for Birth.

Hospital Birthing Center

Hubby and I check into the hospital at 6 PM. I was very impressed with the room. It was quite large, kind of like a hotel suite, with your own washroom.

As the nurse was checking me in, I hand her over my Birth Plan. She giggled and said, ” Oh Honey, No Birth ever goes as planned…”

I was a little disturbed by this, only because I wanted to clearly let them know, I was not open to accepting an Epidural and also Not open to being administered an Induction Medicine called Pitocin.

From what I researched on Pitocin, It quickly causes painful contractions and can sometimes lead to stressing the baby resulting in an emergency C-section. I wanted to avoid this at all costs. She assured me I don’t have to be administered Pitocin and that there were alternative induction methods.

I decided to go with Cervidil, Which is a vaginal insert meant to soften your cervix. My Midwife told me that that is just the beginning and that after 12 hours they would take it out and insert a Foley Bulb to help me dilate the rest of the way… I was like 12 hours! No way, This is going to be a Mind over Matter situation and I’m Birthing this child by tomorrow!

Unmedicated Birth

Start of Induction…

At 9 PM, My Midwife inserted the Cervidil and told me to get a good night’s rest. That didn’t last long because I started to have this crazy back pain starting at around 2:30 AM. I had no idea what this pain was but I had to breathe through it intensely.

By 5 AM the Pain was coming constantly and consistently. I was literally on all fours as I was trying to find a comfortable position and lying on my back was not cutting it. The nurse came in to check on me because I must have shifted the monitors and were disconnected. At the time I had no idea what I was experiencing was called Back Labor…

Time For Birth!!!

It was early morning and yes… I was wide awake. At 9 AM, My Midwife came in to take out the Cervidil and to her disbelief, I was 9.5 centimeters dilated! My best friend walked in at 9:30 AM, Just in time as my Contractions were getting worse and Hubby held my hand as I moaned in pain.

By 10 AM, I was fully dilated and ready to Push! I was totally ready and at that point, it truly felt as if I was dreaming. At 10:28 AM, my Little Girl was here and the feeling was Surreal! What amazed me the most was the moment my Midwife placed her on me, She wiggled right up to my boob and started feeding. I couldn’t believe it, and how much instinct our little beings are born with…

Natural Birth
Xaviana Rose

This Is Story is Based on my Personal Experience and did not intend on offending anyone.

Get Your Tummy Back After Birth…https://mamasdreaming.com/best-postpartum-belly-wraps/

13 thoughts on “A Natural Birth Story- Mind Over Matter Labor

  1. The back labor sounded intense! I’m glad your daughter was born soon after that! Beautiful story 🙂

  2. Congratulations on your bundle of joy! Birthing is infant a miracle and a blessing!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      I appreciate it!

  3. You’re blessed your birth turned out mostly as planned! I also arrived with a diligently prepared birth plan… but it did not go as planned! 24 hrs of cervadil did nothing for me and ended up with a c section. Once baby arrived I was able to move past the upset quickly!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Oh my goodness! They sure make you forget the pregnancy pains🥰

  4. That’s amazing momma! Congrats on being able to stay true to your plan and see it through! Beautiful baby girl 🥰

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Thank you so much💕

  5. Beautiful baby girl and very detailed blog post. Thanks for sharing. I had all my four kids via natural birth and I can confidently say that I had different experiences/definitions of natural birth.

  6. It’s always great to have a birth plan. Sometimes it doesn’t work out (I almost had one of mine on the side of the road) but planning is important. Congratulations!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Thank you and my goodness! That must’ve been quite a moment!

  7. Thank you for sharing your positive natural birth story. We don’t hear enough of these, and it is wonderful to hear that you could still have the birth you planned for while still being induced. I can’t believe that nurse who laughed about having a birth “plan”. Great job sticking to your guns! I had a natural birth too and was so glad I stuck to my plan ♥

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