Ways to Overcome Fitness Fatigue During Pregnancy

Fitness fatigue during pregnancy can be a huge struggle. Especially during the first trimester when your body is changing so much to create your beautiful baby and the third trimester when you’re carrying extra weight as well as baby is sitting lower.

Don’t let it become your excuse to avoid working out during pregnancy. A regular fitness routine will give you more energy. Not to mention how amazing it is for your body and baby.

Fighting Fitness Fatigue During Pregnancy

There are multiple ways you can cope with fighting fitness fatigue, we all experience it sometime during our pregnancy and it is, just downright exhausting. There were days I could barely think about getting out of bed, let alone chasing my toddler around the house!

Fresh Air- Depending on the weather, go outside and take a walk. There’s nothing more refreshing when you step outside and take a deep breath of fresh air.

Stay Hydrated- Keep your body performing at it’s best. When your body doesn’t have sufficient fluids, you can start feeling really tired. You can also snack on foods with a high water content. A couple of Faves in my household are watermelon and cucumber.

Nutrient-Dense Foods- Foods that are full of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber will keep your energy up. Check out my post- https://mamasdreaming.com/nutritious-foods-to-eat-during-pregnancy/ For more info!

Nap it Out- A regular sleep schedule is important but with pregnancy comes bouts of insomnia. Try taking a midday nap to refresh your body.

Limit Your Sugar Intake- Consuming too many refined sugars and flour combined with a lack of nutrients can leave your body feeling sluggish. You might get an uplifting boost at first but quickly your body will crash making you feel more fatigued.

Exercising To Beat Fatigue During Pregnancy

Sometimes exercising is the last thing on your mind when trying to beat fatigue. It can be difficult at times but let me tell you, when I finish a workout set I feel amazing. Like a burst of energy and I’m ready to take on the rest of the day!

No energy to workout? It doesn’t even have to be a long set, get your body moving of 15-20min and you’ll be amazed at how a little blood flow will make you feel.

Invest in some exercise accessories that you can have at home. I suggest an exercise/yoga mat for breathing and floor exercises, disc sliders, and resistance bands. I’m going to list a couple of my favorite go-to exercises when I want to get a little push in my day.

Mountain Climbers w/ Disc Sliders- A great warm and surely gets your blood pumping. You can do this with or without the sliders but I prefer them. I usually do 3 sets of 20-30 mountain climbers.

Seated Abduction- This is another a great warm-up. Put a resistance right above your knees and sit on the edge of the couch or a chair where your knees are in a 90-degree position. Pull your knees apart as you squeeze your glutes. Try to do 3 sets of 15-20.

Front Squat- Put the resistance band right above the knees and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat down into a 90 degree angle and squeeze on the way up. Try to do 3 sets of 8-12.

Lateral Band Walk- In squat position with band above your knees, yore going to side step back and forth. I usually 8 steps to the right then back to the left. Try to repeat 3 times.

Glute Bridges- My Favorite! Band positioned right above your knees. Lie faceup with your feet on the floor, bending your knees to 90 degrees. Push up until your knees, hips, and shoulders align and squeeze! Do 3 sets of 16-20. You will feel the burn!

Clam Shells- Laying on one side with your knees in a 90-degree position and band right above your knees. Pull your knees apart, squeeze and back to close position. Do 3 sets of 12 and switch to the other side.

Dealing with Fatigue isn’t an easy feat. I hope these practices make dealing with pregnancy fatigue a little bit easier. Take Care Mama, you got this!

Overcoming Fitness Fatigue

22 thoughts on “Ways to Overcome Fitness Fatigue During Pregnancy

  1. Love these tips! Definitely going to use them in the future if I get pregnant again! Thank you!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Thank you! I’m glad I can help!

  2. Great ideas! I was so tired when I was pregnant, especially in the first trimester and then chasing after a toddler! Have to listen to your body but also try and get some exercise!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      So true, listening to what your body can handle is so important!

  3. Reminds me of my pregnancy days . I craved for a mid day nap but couldn’t as I was working . But great tips.

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Thank you!

  4. Kimberlie says:

    Excellent tips on how to beat fatigue in pregnancy. It never failed, no matter how tired I felt, if I exercised, it’s like I activated some reserve energy.

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      It really is amazing how much your body can pull through!

  5. I remember being so exhausted when I was pregnant. This is all great advice.

  6. Staying hydrated really helped me! I tried to go on at least a walk every day!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      That’s really good! Walking is definitely something you can keep up with all throughout your pregnancy!

  7. I don’t think I ever exercised during pregnancy. This is something I love about life in America. Everyone is so active and fitness prone. Important to keep in mind.

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Its something I told myself I would never be lenient with, even through Pregnancy. It really does make a difference in how you feel.

  8. I remember being so absolutely tired when I was pregnant. These are good points for when you are trying to stay fit, too.

  9. These exercise ideas for pregnancy are so GREAT! I definitely used exercise to get over the fatigue. It totally seems counterintuitive but it really gave me the energy I needed to get through the day and to not feel so sick!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Thank you so much!

  10. First, I love the Wonder Woman sports bra in the first photo! These exercises are great options for pregnant or newly postpartum mamas. Thank you!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      You are sweet! Than you!!!

  11. Listening to your body and knowing when to rest and when to push is so important!

    1. MayaAlexander says:

      Sure is! Thank you!!!

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