A lot of questions come to mind throughout your Pregnancy. Is lifting while pregnant during the 2nd trimester safe? I certainly did with my first pregnancy and still am with my second. If you had a consistent routine prior to pregnancy then there’s no reason to hold you back, as long as you get cleared by your doctor and your body is willing and able.
Benefits of Lifting Weights in Pregnancy
- Avoid aches and pains as your bump grows- Especially as you tend to experience lower back pains
- Strengthen your body to prepare for labor- Increase your stamina
- Prepare for all the lifting, carrying and stroller-pushing you’ll be doing once the baby is born
Keep in mind that lifting super heavy loads can spike your blood pressure for short periods of time. Take it easy and take your time. Performing a regular weight lifting routine with moderate weights is perfectly safe and encouraged to help maintain muscle tone.
Even if you are to be put on bed rest, it is important to flex your muscles to maintain your strength. Daily exercises can include an arm routine using light weights or even better, resistance bands to stretch your body.
Warming up and cooling down are just as important as keeping a consistent strength routine. Muscles and joints are more prone to injury when cold, especially when you’re pregnant. Your body produces a hormone called Relaxin which loosens your muscles to help prepare your body for birth.
Minimum or Maximum During Weight Lifting
This honestly depends on you and what you think your body can handle. How much and how often were you training? Now is not the time to push your limits and challenge yourself with new Goals. It’s important to listen to your body and not to over-exert yourself. As you get further into your pregnancy you will need to modify some of your routines. You can always start using lighter weights and add more repetitions while still achieving great results. I myself started to experience Round Ligament Pain with certain exercises. I had to modify some of my workouts and eliminate others such as Bulgarian Split Squats and Lunges. There are plenty more workouts to alternate. Other exercises to avoid in Pregnancy:
- Weighted sit-up exercises after 12 weeks
- Abdominal rotation machines
- Heavy weighted exercises on your back after 12 weeks
Tips For Safe Weight Lifting
- Easy and controlled weights when using dumbbells- You don’t want to accidentally hit your stomach
- Don’t strain too much and take deep easy breaths
- Incorporate Resistance Bands In your routine- A Safe Alternative to Lifting Weights
- Make sure to not hold your breath when lifting weights-your body NEEDS OXYGEN when working out and holding breath can also lead to increased blood pressure, which can disrupt blood flow to the uterus
- Stay Hydrated- Pregnant women have more of a tendency to dehydrate then women who are not pregnant
- Pay attention to your Coordination and Balance, while Squatting especially- As your belly grows, your center of balance changes
Most Importantly, just pay attention to whats going on Physically to your body. Stay healthy and stay consistent. If you have a day where you aren’t feeling it, then go ahead and give yourself that break. You got this Mama!!!
Check out My Other Related Post https://mamasdreaming.com/reasons-to-get-into-fitness-and-stay-in-shape/